Wednesday, September 7, 2016

1934 Hamtramck Mayoral Communist Candidates Campaign Cards

Traveling the old forgotten alleys & ruins of Detroit, one finds many a strange relic from the distant past. So it was with these 2 ancient political campaign cards from Hamtramck for the Mayoral election of 1934.
Hamtramck is and was a suburb of metro Detroit. In the 30's it was predominantly Polish in its ethic makeup. It was also a hotbed for radicals & troublemakers!
George Kristalsky was born in Poland and immigrated to these shores...and brought with him the ideology of the times.
He was defeated in the '34 elections...along with 7 of his Communist brothern...which makes this decrepit card that much more awesome!
Hammer & Sickle telling a guy all he needed to know about these candidates! But HEY!!! At least they weren't those lousy FASCIST!!!
2nd card in blue as opposed to the black coloring of the 1st card!
Reverse side of the 1st card has the same info in Polish! 
Guys all long dead & buried....wonder how they'd view the political landscape of today? Probably prefer to stay dead to this shameful shambles that the Country has become...
And for good 1925 Street Directory of source has some brilliant old junk/temporal artifacts....
Brilliant for its list of "All Night Car Services, Owl Cars, Hotels, Cemeteries, and Street Car Lines"! Maps of streets and surrounding countryside also genius!

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