Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Potash & Turpentine

Another estate sale out in the hinterlands. Advertised as a "1850's farmhouse"....who could pass up a chance at some ancient artifacts buried out in the sticks?!?
Not I...Off I set in search of who knows what?
2 barns....full of "Horses-people" stuff! Harnesses & Horses collars...mostly useless things...useless to me anyways...off to the house!
Inside...most glassware & clothing....seemingly a bust.....then I noticed the basement with its "DO NOT ENTER" sign...being ignored by hoarders & employees alike! 
TO THE BAT-CAVE! Down a set of ramshackle stairs that even the Dog-Boy would have disapproved of! Again...nothing....dust & mold & a dank smell...people picking their way among the ruins...I had almost given up hope....until I saw a woman rummaging through an old cupboard....and there they were: An ancient prescription bottle....and, buried at the bottom...an old Velvet Peanut butter jar, dirty almost beyond recognition! 
The 'script bottle...looking like was just handed over yesterday to some farmer's daughter...."R.L. McCabe"...DETROIT, MICH. I have one other such bottle....who's label is torn almost beyond reading....this one is perfect. A bit of research provided ad's circa 1930's from DETROIT advertising McCabe's pharmacy! Who knows when they became defunct? A bottle of " Potassium permanganate"...A household oxidizing agent....good 'ol Potash!
And the Velvet jar...
Tucked away at the bottom of the cupboard....covered in dust & dirt....and filled with turpentine! Who can guess how long this jar had been siting down in the dungeon of gloom containing this piney concoction? An age & an age perhaps? Label torn & frayed....it took some cleaning & elbow grease...but it cleaned up rather well....artistic representation non-withstanding!

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