Monday, August 22, 2016

JUMBO 7oz Peanut Butter Jar

The FRANK TEA & SPICE co of Cincinnati, Oh...makers of old Frank's Red Hot sauce...made peanut butter for ages....early 1900's till the 1960'2/70's...
Any of us have seen a slew of these JUMBO peanut butter jars....every Antique store worth their salt has a plentiful supply, most estate sales and even the more cosmopolitan garage sales will have one.
I'd never been interested in them...until reading a post on the "Jar Fetish" sites...
"The JUMBO jars....produced for so long...have about 80 variations...different sizes, different lids, different eras...rarely will you come across one with a lid...."
Yuppers....that jumped out at me..."The lid is the key!" And here I found a 7oz jar, of the older variety, with its original lid!
Not the "grail" of peanut butter jars....but a rare find regardless!
All in a days scurraging!!

***UPDATE***  So...that lid I found is from the 1920' of the oldest JUMBO lids out there....not too shabby!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Potash & Turpentine

Another estate sale out in the hinterlands. Advertised as a "1850's farmhouse"....who could pass up a chance at some ancient artifacts buried out in the sticks?!?
Not I...Off I set in search of who knows what?
2 barns....full of "Horses-people" stuff! Harnesses & Horses collars...mostly useless things...useless to me to the house!
Inside...most glassware & clothing....seemingly a bust.....then I noticed the basement with its "DO NOT ENTER" sign...being ignored by hoarders & employees alike! 
TO THE BAT-CAVE! Down a set of ramshackle stairs that even the Dog-Boy would have disapproved of! Again...nothing....dust & mold & a dank smell...people picking their way among the ruins...I had almost given up hope....until I saw a woman rummaging through an old cupboard....and there they were: An ancient prescription bottle....and, buried at the old Velvet Peanut butter jar, dirty almost beyond recognition! 
The 'script bottle...looking like was just handed over yesterday to some farmer's daughter...."R.L. McCabe"...DETROIT, MICH. I have one other such bottle....who's label is torn almost beyond reading....this one is perfect. A bit of research provided ad's circa 1930's from DETROIT advertising McCabe's pharmacy! Who knows when they became defunct? A bottle of " Potassium permanganate"...A household oxidizing agent....good 'ol Potash!
And the Velvet jar...
Tucked away at the bottom of the cupboard....covered in dust & dirt....and filled with turpentine! Who can guess how long this jar had been siting down in the dungeon of gloom containing this piney concoction? An age & an age perhaps? Label torn & took some cleaning & elbow grease...but it cleaned up rather well....artistic representation non-withstanding!