Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Frozen in Time: Velvet Freezer jars from Yesteryear

Greetings and salutations true believers! More useless junk of a bygone age, pulled from the maw of the scrapheap!
4 Detroit's own Velvet Peanut Butter jars, 3 of the Freezer variety plus one 3 lb Crunchy jar.
Hit an estate sale a couple of weeks back....tons of toys & clothes & dolls and such. Nothing I'm ever interested in. Off to the garage.....and behold! A plethora of aged junk just waiting to be tossed into the trash.
Being that I've got a reputation to uphold as a 1st class Nemesis....I jumped right into the fray and salvaged the only jars with paper labels intact. The 3-4 others without? Banished to the Fist of Doom....or some such forgotten nonsense!
Yes indeedy, these 4 have the labels & lids to match! Sparkling like the Sun of the effervescent 1960's!

2 with the latter day font & no 3 kids on the label...These 2 still bare the Detroit address of production.
This jar has the 3 Norberts....and the Livonia, Mi address, making it the youngest of the bunch.
And them there's this old salty dog! Older style font.....possibly early 1960's?!?
And on the back of said jar....the ultra rare ***2nd label***.....I ""know"" of another jar with a back label....but finding them is a rarity like spotting the legendary Dog-man or Bigfoot!